
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Overwrite !!

Life चा screenplay लई भारी आहे . i really appreciate it..

i had this dream - बसच्या साध्या प्रवासात तिने डोकं माझ्या खांद्यावर ठेवलेलं असावं . शांत, निर्धास्त झोपलिये ती. मी जागा (वजनाने नाही :)) . अर्धवट उघड्या खिडकितुन येणारा वारा तिचे केसं उड़वातोय. माझ्या face ला गुदगुल्या करणारे ते केसं अणि नाकात हुळ- हुळल्यामुळे येणारी शिंक आवरनारा मी - दोघे हसतोय मनातल्या मनात . एकाच लयित चालणारे आमचे श्वास आनी एक सुम्पुशिच न वाटणारी journey. Then got a chance to live this dream. Nagar-Pune dream journey. teenage like lies/reasons. 2nd craziest thing i have done so far... खुप गप्पा, खुप विषय अणि या स्वप्नाला झालेली अजुन बरीच पिल्लं ! it is still fresh in my mind some of the bestest memories... पण तरी dream complete झालचं नाही त्यावेळी. i didn't have enough 'credentials' to let her rest her head on my shoulder.....

and now similar thing has happened... but this time i was not part of the journey... my ex-other part was traveling with it's will-be-other-half.. First-(kinda)date in nagar-pune bus journey !! खरं तर काहीच गरज नव्हती हा scene माझ्या life मधे यायची... दुसरं काहीही घडवता आलं असतं 'त्याला'.... at some other nice place, may be more bigger, more wordly, अगदी non-conventional, surprizing pan चाललं असतं. एकदम filmy, dramatic, fantasy मधल्या सारखा पण may be ... but हे असं करायची काहीच गरज नव्हती ना. कशाला माझं स्वप्न , माझा सीन चोरला ?

n now thr first date directly overwriting best part of my memory ..
should i overwrite it ?? ..... or why should i ? i will keep mine, let her select hers...
some dreams are better left incomplete !!

but still i really appreciate 'Your' screenplay... perfect scene choice..एकदम effective होइल हा scene. related to old thread so that audience will compare this with older one n it will have better impat on them.. Great !!
Do u need 'standing ovation' for this ??
Take this __!_ ___!_ :D my middle finger is 'standing' to give u 'ovation' ___!_ :D :D :D

anyways jokes apart ... now have to compete with 'U' too :D तू gr8 आहेस पण यात .. and far more experienced than me ....

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