
Monday, February 9, 2009

Once !

simple...pure...just a worn guitar-acoustic..6 strings...some drops of piano...and one rolling vacuum cleaner walking, singing along with them ...just 2 handy cams..2 houses, 1 store, 1 studio...2 people from nowhere... no name...not actually, guy is 'sucker guy'...some worn t-shirts and a old-flat sofa...2 drained batteries ...some shaky cam movements...and of course one ordinary beach in the morning...dirty dog and Frisbee... cute lil girl-Ivonka with her piggy bank..unaffordable "Big Issues" and a bargain..1 hour on piano daily-during lunch time..some moments to touch the perfect piano like Baldwin and some breaths on his shoulder and a his sigh...a tune on kid's casino...simple words..half-written lyrics..Noor-Ho-tabbe... simple,untold, untranslated simple that even no need to complete the sentence ..and one amazingly simple, touching movie...and most beautiful acoustic songs...such a gorgeous that u r awake till they get downloded and then listen whole night till batteries went empty....and an academy for best original song.. Oscar's doesn't cost much...


but simple, pure things wont last for long (7 days ,here 3 weeks) and comes only "Once" (if ur mind's not made up!)
... "son and now play it again !!!!" .... "i dont kn..................

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