
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday Night

And this usually starts when I touch the bed on sunde night. I dont want to wake up as I sleep that day. wat is that feeling when u feel so :) . again the same circle… wake up , go to office, do some work that u think is more ‘brainy’, some chat, some mails, come home late and then u realize wat have i done today ? every day same feeling. even on weekends… - some extra hours of sleep, some movie, some more chats, some sightseeing , wat else..? same feeling wat have i done tode..? so the best thing is to sleep forever . i don't want to monday to come...ever.... but still i set alarm to 7. And suddenly u wake up in the night around 2-3AM . Same feeling of being common, being typical, predictable. Same feeling of being lost ! Same feeling of being lonely ! nothing is happening to life.. its just going n going... After some hours of heavy brain storming, and heavy headache I go for sleep. Same feeling from so many months.. wat is happening to me ?

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