
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Potrait Studio

(Harry n Sally a couple..”Cobe”- an Artist)
Harry: Suprize!!
Sally: hey wat is this…? Its Cobe’s studio ? isnt it ?
Harry: Yes , n WE hav got an appoinment..
Sally : WOW .i cant believe this..this is awsome
Harry : :D
Harry : Hi cobe, im Harry..n.she is Sally..
Cobe: hey waitng for u guys..sit..relax..u need somethig? (No place to sit thr whole studio is just shit) .hey..mind
ur butt buddy . u gonna prick my color tubes.. ..wait a min honey ur dress will get dirty(replace this word)..nice linen huh..? sit on that box..dont worry ur not that fat u wont break that one?.
Cobe: kitwi anneversary ??
Harry n Sally : how do u know its our anneversary..
Cobe : it is the only day when both r agree upon whr to go. ?
Sally : its not necessary..actually its the day when we got caught by police n then by our parents ? (make it some diff..touching, sad-good)
Cobe : ohh I C..hey Harry why don’t u sit besides her on that paint box..?
Harry : On a paint box..? r u kiding ?
Cobe: Hey just wont paint
ur bloody hows was that ?
Harry : its pricking Cobe.. Sally : we wr around 19 that time.. (at a time..)
Cobe: Shut
ur mouth stupid Harry…hey gal tell me..
Sally: hey..(Show bad situaltion…. Something is wrong between them ..i cant imagine rt now.. )
Cobe: ohh which pose u gonna have ? 69/38/111/007 ???
Harry: wat u think Sally ;) ? ..
Sally : (unknowingly..) I like that pose from “yadden”
Harry: its original pose from “the mexican”….subhash ghai aur kya ;)
Cobe: Do you realy want that one..12 out of 17 young ppl try that one..or do u want that typical old styled pose man on chair and wife standing behind him..
Harry: typical missionary pose huh ;) ??
Cobe: ..ha ha ha..not actually missionary.. wife is behind him ? ..9.5 out of 11 old/middle aged copules go for it ..
Sally: why 9.5 ??
Cobe : women actully don’t want to stand up for so much time.. :D
Harry n Sally : ? Will try some other
Cobe : I think this is the best pose ..
Harry n Sally : ?? this one ??
Harry: I cant bear this fucin paint box..its penetrating deeper n deper inside my butt.. I will have my butt cut with this round shape..
Sally : yes..actully ..does this pose show my curved back(kubad) ?? … n wat abt this shit all over ?? ohhhh sorry .. I mean paints all over..
Cobe: look even apart form the world around u is worst (explain this in thr lovestory above) u struggled to be toghether… does this mean the same..??
Some silence.
Harry:to sally (agrees)..actully u can play Dart game with my rounded butt then..
Sally :: shut up u stupid..
Cobe : hey hey hey..then now quite I hav started.. enjoy this POSE ;) … guys..
Cobe started..drawing ..
Long silence…..
Cam on them two..
Sally : its been 6 yrs no ?
Harry : yes its U who proposed me with a stupid razor ?..
Sally: does it matter who propossed? or it still improves(?? Use other word) ur ego ??
Harry : hey I didn’t mean that .. I actully did not.. sorry if u feel the ‘U’ in that sorry…
Sally : isnt that razor thing funny ?? (thr was a game whr u hav to make use of one thing other than its actual use.. means if u hav tiffin to use.. then instead if using it as tiffin it as a begger’s box..or just a helmet…kinda game..and Sally used razor as a flower to propose him..not just in the game but actually..but Harry didn’t understand that ..that time..)
Sally: u are so dumb…
Harry : hey hey… I WAS..not now…
Harry : Hey cobe can I go to loo ??
Cobe : no u don’t…
Harry : so which color u want to add some water into it ??
Cobe : Go Go u asshole.. ?
Harry : to Sally .u wanna come.. ???
Main dialogs:
Harry: do u remember how stupid we r..just for a pinch of touch, just a smooch, or even a small kiss..we used to meet ..sometimes on and found so many Kopache all over this town.. no one even know tht……
Sally: n HEAVY n WILD intercourses…. :D I still remember that..
Harry: ohh u do ?? u really do ? do u remember the one In the ST at katraj ST stand..
Sally : how can I forget that…worse..ever..;(
Harry: that is called pose 69… ? ? ?
Sally: ohh shit ….(Sally stands up sudenly..Harry is laughing ..)
Cobe : hey wat happed..keep quite guys..
Harry: ..nothing cobe just teaching him some numbers..hey Sally..say 6-9 sixty nine… ?.
Sally: u faggot..
Sally : I think that is all attraction,,making love isnt always actually loving …
Harry: n now we r here just 4.5 cm apart feling abt sex..nothing..stil we are together..nothing,.just a calmness. Love overcomes those all… How many time we r toghether like this now-a-days ?
Sally : I remember….??? No cant remember..
Harry: every time some hopeles parties../in some restraurant..with frinds/with much time we spend toghether ?
Sally : we lost our youth/we lost our passion/we forgot that we ever loved someone..we forgot loving..we forgot living Harry..we forgot..
Long silence…..
Harry : Could it be postponed ? cant you stay for some time..may be 1 day ,2 day, 17 days more….17 is my lucky number…ok 17 months more.. hey u can go when september ends..’please stay till september ends…’ I will sing this song for u forever..
Sally : u know its not possible..dont force me harry..
Harry: Ok then … wait till this protrait is getting developed..
Sally : its not foto be developed..its protrait
Harry : yes yes .. I know..wait till it dries completely in Summer Heat …least..
Sally n Harry…smiling n crying….
Cam then zooms out on the protrait :: it shows..something meaning full.. two were sitting..kahi suchat nahiye aata ……

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