
Monday, June 16, 2008

Last Received Call

8:30Pm :today --

Last received call - 2:34 tode..6hrs back ..ICICI credit card...before that 8:30 Am today call from office ... last unofficial call - 7:45PM two days back - friend, asking for harddisk... call duration 1.23Min .. call stack end..कीतीतरी दीवस झाले ..कोनाशी तरी खुप असे बोललो नाहीये ..अगदी मनमोकले ..अगदी unoffical..गावाच्या गप्पा /घराच्या गप्पा /atleast हवापन्याच्या तरी ... रोज meetings/issues/bugs/designs discuss करून तोंड दुख्तय ..कामाचा status लोकांना सांगावा लागतो मनाचा काय आहे हे कोणाला सांगायला जागा नाहीये ..even कोणी आपल्याला सांगावा असे पन नाही ..कोनाशी आनंद झाला तर सांगावा or कोणाला जाला असेल तर ऐकावं ..कोणाला काही खुपतं असेल तर थोड़ा dose द्यावा ..काहीच होत नाही ..एक्टेपना ..loneliness म्हणतात तो हाच का ? islands झालीयेत लोकं ..म्हणुन मग credit card साठी call आला तरी details सांगून टाकतो लगेच .. बंद नाही करत ..कोणाला तरी बोलायचं आहे कमापुरता का होइना ..cuttting वाला पन बराच वेळ काही ना काही करत बसतो ..head message/facial message/coloring ...तो आपली उगाच stuti करत असतो बरं वाटतं ..कोणासाठी तरी आपले डोके imp आहे ..आतले वीचार नसेनात का जायना ..even shopping करताना पन बरं वाटतं money देऊन salesman चे लक्ष जाते अप्ल्याकड़ं ..हा shirt (उगाच ) चांगला दिसतो म्हानाल्यावर जरा बरं वाटतं ..कोणाला तरी आपल्या dress मधे interest आहे .. अताल्या माणसा मधे नसेना का जायना देऊन असे लहान - लहान आनंद घेत असतो ...wallet मधे 1 लाख चा balance अस्नारे card असताना लोकांच्या लेखी काहीच कीममत नसने म्हणजे काय असते ते कल्तयं मला ...अचानक एखादा joke आठवला तर स्वताच हसू येते ...बिनधास्त हसतो मी .कारण कोणाकडे लक्ष द्यायला इथे वेळ कोणाला आहे ??..हसतोय तर हसू देत ..ना कोणता जिवाभावाचा call ना कोणता sms ..रोज Idea वाले काहीना काही scheme launch करत राहतात ..मनोभावे ते sms वाचतो atleast sms तर येतात .. म्हणुन मी ते ban पन नाही केलेत .. sms येणे imp आहे कुठून येतात काय येतात ते अल्हिदा .. मी पन 1 island झालोय ..

10:30 Pm : today --

"happy gudipadhava" चा 1 sms आला ..मानसी चा ...काहीतरी sms होता ..typical forward वाटत नव्हता ..handwritten होता .. reply केला "same to u .." तर परत sms आला .."अरे हा sms तूच last new year च्या दिवशी पाठवला होतास .." :) last-received call चा call-stack खुप छोटा आहे राव ..लोकांच्या memory peksha !! रात्र मस्त गेली .. all calls ची history delete करून टाकली ..inbox पन empty केला except हा sms ..

Tikau Gosht !!

And then my grandson asked me "what is the most memorable birthday gift u got grandma?" holding a brand new PlayStation Portable7.2- birthday gift by his Dad..and i started searching through my memory trunk..searching ..hey got it..on my 50th birthday my daughter gave me one "Thushi"...i always wanted to have one ..but then it became out of fashion so i didnt have one..but she said its now in fashion mom. It was actually in fashion for 50+ ladies..yes then it suited me !!..and who can forget the "diamond studded neckless" ..with a blue diamond in it..that diamond actually not suited in that design but i liked it cuz it my first surprize gift prashant gave to me in those first 5 years..actaully that 'surprize' itself was a 'gift' for me..but then i came to know that it was a gift coupon he got from office..but did it matter? that time it actually didnt !!..but then i lost it somewhere..i just wore it for 4-5 times..then search gave me some old -very old results..some paragraph-full-greetings-cards-with-overflowing-emotions :)..some 'expected' mid night 'surpize' cakes..some dresses..some limited-buget-stuff too many results so far..and then i found one..quite strange one - 'Killa- a fort- दीवालिचा मातीचा कील्ला "..wat a stupid gift ! can anyone ever expect this? असा राग आला होता मला त्याचा ..that was given by Amol- one pimple-faced guy -old frnd - dont know whr he is now..stupid person..i told her..अरे जरा sensible- कामाचे or टिकाऊ gift द्यावे .. wat is this killa n all ?..and his justification was- i was a good trekker- won Enduro- it was for me as a i used to trek a lot these days ..but still wat was that- a stupid-मातीचा कील्ला ?? then he told me his long journey to get this killa even a month after diwali..ya thats good but still ..a stupid मातीचा कील्ला - 2feet-2feet in dimension..he then told me "हे बघ सगलेच ppl काहीतरी gift देतात greeting-statue-book पन किती दीवस टिकातात ते ?? 1month-1 year or at the most 38 months..u know जगातली सलाग्यत टिकाऊ गोष्ट काय

आहे ? lasts till 'U' last..i gave u a 'memory' ..thats it" ...simple answer-stupid gift-hopeless person....and I answered my grandson- "i got a fort -मातीचा कील्ला " ...and i saw a "असा कसा शाक्य आहे ?" kinda भाव on his face.."really Memory is the most टिकाऊ गोष्ट in the world..."

Thanks to Mrs. Internet and Miss. Torrent

Hey i have both films "Children of heaven" and "Color of paradise" with English subtitles. I feel gr8, on the top of the world. like i have everything in the world... Thank you Mrs. Internet and Miss. Torrent. U made my day..sorry night. and "Majid Majidi" u are a God of small things !!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Have u bought Gajra lately ??

तुम्ही कधी घेतला का हो गजरा कुणाला ??
शेजारणीला नाही म्हणत मी पण atleast तुमच्या GF ला or बायको ला ??
अगदी अबोलीचा नाही तर atleast मोगऱ्याचा ?
signal ला विकतात ना काही मूलं, त्यांच्याकडून ......... at least 90 sec च्या boring waiting ला जरा सुगंधी करणारा गजरा !
मी नाही पाहीले अजुनपर्यंत कोणाला गजरा घेताना .. खरच नाही ... रात्री उशीरा पण त्यांच्या हातात 10-15 गजरयांच्या माळा असतातच. कधी त्यांना रिकाम्या हाताने जाताना नाही बघितले मी .. पण अजुन कोणी विकणेही बंद नाही केले. याचा अर्थ कोणीतरी घेतयं ...बरं आहे ... मला दिसायला हवा कोणीतरी ..तेव्हडच मला बरं वाटेल
..अरे हो कोण बरं- अगदीच low नाही तर mid waist jeans and short top वर गजरा घालेल ? or गेला बाजार केसांची मस्त hair style करून त्यावरुन गजरा कोण माळणार ? हॉटेलमधे किती awkward वाटेल ते ... परत scent चा वास बुजायचा उगाच ....नकोच त्यापेक्षा ..
Do u know ?...आपल्या generation च्या कितीतरी लोकांच्या birthday च्या 9 months आधी कोणातरी फुलवाल्याचा गजरा विकला गेला असेल ते !!! नाही समजले ??
अरे खटल्याच्या कुटुंबामधे वाढताना एकमेकांचा स्पर्श जरी झाला तरी शहारे येणाऱ्या त्या पिढीचा गजरा हा किती मोठा messenger होता ते माहितीये का ?
आता medical store मधे एकमताने dotted/ribbed/flavored ची choice करणाऱ्या couples ला काय माहीत .. की ज्यांचा romance हा घरच्यांच्या आणि स्वःताच्या झोपेच्या अर्धा-एक तासाच्या difference वर चालायचा त्यांना गजरा हा मेघदूताप्रमाणे वाटत असेल ..
असो... दोष नाहीये कुणाचा . गजरा घेणे - नाही घेणे यात romantic पना चा काही सम्बन्ध नाही. आणि येणाऱ्या पिढीचा दोष-बीश तर अजिबात नाही ..
पण जरा कधी जुने movies बघतो or कधी जुन्या fashion चे कपडे घालतो तसे गजरा घ्या कधीतरी ..बघा जुन्या प्रेमाचा वास येतो का त्याच्यात .

Its Sony !!!

And I heard Sunya ne Sony cha TV ghetalay ani mazi memory seek to my childhood zali. I even don’t remember full name of sunya, kahitari ‘Walekar’ mhanun surname hote tyache. Aai expire zali hoti lahanpanaich even he dint remember when. Ani vadilancha patta navhata. Means kuthe hote te mala mahit nahi even he is not botherd about. To rahayacha aaji kade. As far as I remember to aajikadech hota kadhi tyachya vadilanna pan me pahile nahi. Aaji che lahan bhel –futanyache dukan hote I think aaji che surname ‘futane’ hote so tyala amhi ‘futanya’ mhanayacho karan to amahala ‘vati-vastara’ mhanayala..bcoz we r nhavi. Khup gund, shivya denara means amachya drushine ‘vait’ mulaga. Ani company pan tyala tashich milali hoti . amachya shejarache sagale gund-kinda lok. Vaya gelele mulage tyache frnd hote means te tyachyakadun kaam karun ghyayache. Tyanche cassette che dukan hote so ha fukatacha naukar tyananna milala hota. Ha pan bolayala ghaan konache eikanar nahi only aaji la ghbarayacha.. baryachada aaji chya hatacha maar khalla hota tyane.. amhi pan tyala ghabarayacho. Amchi kahi khodi kadhali ki amhala kahi karata nahi yayache so amhi direct tyachya aaji la sagayacho..typical middleclass psychology !!

Later as we grow..lahan –lahan bhandan mitali ani amhi frnd zalo… patang ha 1 motha bhaag hota.. to khup mast patang udavayacha tyamulech mostly amachi bhandane vhyayachi.. pan nantar jase nilya, yogya barobar frndship zali tase galli-cricket khelayala amacha group banala.. mast maja yayachi tya cricket madhe. Between nilya, yogya are actually deshmukh brothers. They own a Sony Showroom. That’s is what the name suggest.. so nantar amhi baryach vela nilya kadech asayacho.. tyanche big terrace, mast showroom, ani computer games.. maze music che kaan jithe tayar zale astil tar te ya showroom madhe.. mast sony che 1000-5000watts speakers chya aawajat songs eikayala ji maja yayachi ti besht hoti.. ani sobat Sony che clear besht quality TV .. 96 cha world cup sagala tyach showroom madhe pahila..baher lokanchi crowd asyachi baghat ani amhi lok mast aramat aat match baghat basayacho.. nilya/yogya tya sony chya babtit khup possessive hote diwasbhar sony kase ani kiti besht ahe he amchya manavar thasat hote.. baki konatehi brand kiti thuss ahet ani sony kiti mast ahe hech me tya vayat shikalo.. ti music system / sony TV ghyava hech dream me kiti diwas baghat hoto.. aata-aata paryant pan.. pan cost khup hoti tyaveli sony chi.. so only nagar madhale rich ppl ch sony afford karu shakayache..

Aani aata Sunya ne Sony cha TV ghetala.. mast vatale khup.. garib ahe to khup ganapati la gharat lahan bahinisathi ganapati anayacha tari to 4-5 Rs cha, ekdum lahan ganapati anayacha..mala khup vait vatayache tyaveli..motha ganapati means status symbol hota tyaveli.(means ajunhi ahe) pan agadi hatavar pot hote..varacha 2 rooms che je kahi rent yeil tech mostly income..tyamule shala pan sodaleli. Ajun 1 gosht I remember ..diwali chya diwashi amache mothe fatake toch udavun dyayacha..karan daring nasayachi amachi.. baryachada na vajanarya fatake amhi sodun dyayacho.. to te gheun tyachi vaat lavun te vajavun dyayacha..khup daring hti tyachyat…. Even dusryadiwashi n vajanare fatake sapadavun to eve la vajavayacha..garibi hoti pan to kadhi radayacha nahi tyasathi..nahitar etake paise milun pan apan radat asto .. Pantangachya babtit pan amhi bharitala manja, mast patang ghyayacho. Pan to apale pakadalele patang ani pakadalela manja vaparun patang udavayacha.. ani darveli amache bharitale patang kapayacha ..darveli.. te patang n manja pan kuthun kuthun pakadalele asayache.. agadi avhdad thikani chadun to te anayacha..ekada tar tyache danger naak futile hote tyamule.

This ahe aso.. nantar to 1 ganapatichya karkhanyat kamala lagala….4-5 years zale tech kaam karatoy.. aani aata tyane TV ghetala.. mala kharach khup mast vatatay..

Tyache dream ase complete zale.. me ajun asamadhanich….

Say no to drugs, say yes to Life!!

Scene 1:
early morning time
cam runs thru all home sme fotos of dad,mom, gal..some trophys of gal..books of gal..some cloths on floor..some syrings, coton, match box in a window..and gals is studying ...she is having exam..
after some time while going to bathe..
gal: dad wake up ..its morning..this is my 31st going for bathe (no responce)
5min later dressing up
gal : dad 32nd call... im having maths paper tode dont be late like yestde.. (some chulbul but no responce)
5 min later...applying some medicine on dads sore says ouch..
gal : dad plz wake it paining ? .. (he wakes up..she supports him..)
gal: dad get ready...
dad: im ready my gal..exam tode huh ?? which paper ?
gal: maths..
dad : calci ahe ka ?
gal: not allowed dad..cmon get ready..
they r out for school..
on the way...some dlg about che maths khup pakke aste..some elaboration @that..some funny statments..

and the dad c one guy while going..he feels giddy..not able to control..
dad bike thmabavato..
gal: dad wat happend ?
dad lift magato lokanna..
dad: lift ??
gal: dad wht happend? again ??? plz control having paper..(crying..)

one guy stops..
dad: hey can u plz drop her to nal stop? she is having exam ..n its already late..maths paper..she is v good at trigono..
we are out of petrol..plz do some favour plz drop her.
guy: ok ok..i will .hey get up..dont cry u wont late..
dad: thnaks a lot .. she was 1 st in maths last exam..
bbye gal... all the best...calci ghetales ka ???....luv u..
gal: ......crying...noot ... allowed ...daddy....

nantar ha bike start karato ani parat U turn gheto....
after some traffic..
he is sitting behind some ductbin and taking drugs.....unconscous...

that day night..
gal: dad get up..dinner time..
dad: hey hows was d paper..?
some dialogs....
dad : im back in 10 mins..
gal: dad dont go now..plz till my paper...plz teach me..
dad: ok my gal u here doubt ask me..
she is night..he is teaching her..n then she is off to sleep..
dad wakes up n goes for another dose..
next day same story..or some other..
bottom line is gal knows every thing ..but cant do passed awayn thenhe ios addicted to drugs..
every day same story..
then after some time tyache drugs ghene balavate..
she is in hostel now..
not allowed to meet him..
he is trying.. hard..
sleeping outside of hostel..wishing her all the best.. but not able to control..
some times teaching her maths/science....
ani to sudhrato..

now for this SOMETHING i have 2-3 options..
1. look every child has a feeling to sleep besides his parent on his hand beneath his head supporting him..
pan ethe ya gals chya dad che hand etake sore zalele astat syring ne drugs gheun gheun.. ki tila kadhi dad cha support milatach nahi..
ulat tich dad la support det aste... so some time its is out of control..ani ti he sagale lihun takate kuthetari..
ani tyach syring ne drugs cha dose ghete.. some where in hospital she is struggling for life and his is to get rid of his addiction...
and he chnaged..
after some time..
after rehabitalizing..

he n his gal daughter..
are sleeping in grass ..with bright sun , boolimg wind..and she is sleeping on his forehand ..clamly..safeley....
SAY YES TO LIFE...........

too difficult to shoot..too diff..

Potrait Studio

(Harry n Sally a couple..”Cobe”- an Artist)
Harry: Suprize!!
Sally: hey wat is this…? Its Cobe’s studio ? isnt it ?
Harry: Yes , n WE hav got an appoinment..
Sally : WOW .i cant believe this..this is awsome
Harry : :D
Harry : Hi cobe, im Harry..n.she is Sally..
Cobe: hey waitng for u guys..sit..relax..u need somethig? (No place to sit thr whole studio is just shit) .hey..mind
ur butt buddy . u gonna prick my color tubes.. ..wait a min honey ur dress will get dirty(replace this word)..nice linen huh..? sit on that box..dont worry ur not that fat u wont break that one?.
Cobe: kitwi anneversary ??
Harry n Sally : how do u know its our anneversary..
Cobe : it is the only day when both r agree upon whr to go. ?
Sally : its not necessary..actually its the day when we got caught by police n then by our parents ? (make it some diff..touching, sad-good)
Cobe : ohh I C..hey Harry why don’t u sit besides her on that paint box..?
Harry : On a paint box..? r u kiding ?
Cobe: Hey just wont paint
ur bloody hows was that ?
Harry : its pricking Cobe.. Sally : we wr around 19 that time.. (at a time..)
Cobe: Shut
ur mouth stupid Harry…hey gal tell me..
Sally: hey..(Show bad situaltion…. Something is wrong between them ..i cant imagine rt now.. )
Cobe: ohh which pose u gonna have ? 69/38/111/007 ???
Harry: wat u think Sally ;) ? ..
Sally : (unknowingly..) I like that pose from “yadden”
Harry: its original pose from “the mexican”….subhash ghai aur kya ;)
Cobe: Do you realy want that one..12 out of 17 young ppl try that one..or do u want that typical old styled pose man on chair and wife standing behind him..
Harry: typical missionary pose huh ;) ??
Cobe: ..ha ha ha..not actually missionary.. wife is behind him ? ..9.5 out of 11 old/middle aged copules go for it ..
Sally: why 9.5 ??
Cobe : women actully don’t want to stand up for so much time.. :D
Harry n Sally : ? Will try some other
Cobe : I think this is the best pose ..
Harry n Sally : ?? this one ??
Harry: I cant bear this fucin paint box..its penetrating deeper n deper inside my butt.. I will have my butt cut with this round shape..
Sally : yes..actully ..does this pose show my curved back(kubad) ?? … n wat abt this shit all over ?? ohhhh sorry .. I mean paints all over..
Cobe: look even apart form the world around u is worst (explain this in thr lovestory above) u struggled to be toghether… does this mean the same..??
Some silence.
Harry:to sally (agrees)..actully u can play Dart game with my rounded butt then..
Sally :: shut up u stupid..
Cobe : hey hey hey..then now quite I hav started.. enjoy this POSE ;) … guys..
Cobe started..drawing ..
Long silence…..
Cam on them two..
Sally : its been 6 yrs no ?
Harry : yes its U who proposed me with a stupid razor ?..
Sally: does it matter who propossed? or it still improves(?? Use other word) ur ego ??
Harry : hey I didn’t mean that .. I actully did not.. sorry if u feel the ‘U’ in that sorry…
Sally : isnt that razor thing funny ?? (thr was a game whr u hav to make use of one thing other than its actual use.. means if u hav tiffin to use.. then instead if using it as tiffin it as a begger’s box..or just a helmet…kinda game..and Sally used razor as a flower to propose him..not just in the game but actually..but Harry didn’t understand that ..that time..)
Sally: u are so dumb…
Harry : hey hey… I WAS..not now…
Harry : Hey cobe can I go to loo ??
Cobe : no u don’t…
Harry : so which color u want to add some water into it ??
Cobe : Go Go u asshole.. ?
Harry : to Sally .u wanna come.. ???
Main dialogs:
Harry: do u remember how stupid we r..just for a pinch of touch, just a smooch, or even a small kiss..we used to meet ..sometimes on and found so many Kopache all over this town.. no one even know tht……
Sally: n HEAVY n WILD intercourses…. :D I still remember that..
Harry: ohh u do ?? u really do ? do u remember the one In the ST at katraj ST stand..
Sally : how can I forget that…worse..ever..;(
Harry: that is called pose 69… ? ? ?
Sally: ohh shit ….(Sally stands up sudenly..Harry is laughing ..)
Cobe : hey wat happed..keep quite guys..
Harry: ..nothing cobe just teaching him some numbers..hey Sally..say 6-9 sixty nine… ?.
Sally: u faggot..
Sally : I think that is all attraction,,making love isnt always actually loving …
Harry: n now we r here just 4.5 cm apart feling abt sex..nothing..stil we are together..nothing,.just a calmness. Love overcomes those all… How many time we r toghether like this now-a-days ?
Sally : I remember….??? No cant remember..
Harry: every time some hopeles parties../in some restraurant..with frinds/with much time we spend toghether ?
Sally : we lost our youth/we lost our passion/we forgot that we ever loved someone..we forgot loving..we forgot living Harry..we forgot..
Long silence…..
Harry : Could it be postponed ? cant you stay for some time..may be 1 day ,2 day, 17 days more….17 is my lucky number…ok 17 months more.. hey u can go when september ends..’please stay till september ends…’ I will sing this song for u forever..
Sally : u know its not possible..dont force me harry..
Harry: Ok then … wait till this protrait is getting developed..
Sally : its not foto be developed..its protrait
Harry : yes yes .. I know..wait till it dries completely in Summer Heat …least..
Sally n Harry…smiling n crying….
Cam then zooms out on the protrait :: it shows..something meaning full.. two were sitting..kahi suchat nahiye aata ……

Who is the Youngest God ?

And suddenly Adi asked the question "papa, who is the youngest god ?" ..we all went dumb.. who is he actually ? Bal ganesha ? but no he is writer of mahabharat and mahabharat has krishna in it .ohh then shri krishna.. but he is avtar of Vishnu only.then who ? ..i never heard birth stories of basic gods..Bramha, vishnu , mahesh .they must be eldest of all ..but not even "S-O-S"wala Indra.. ohh we wr actually answerless.. only 6 yrs old Adi can ask such a questions... nahitar apalya sarakhi mothi manase.."God ahe ka ?" "God la retire karata ka aata ?" etc bhampak vishayanvar bolat or vichar karat asto.. ase basic/bare question aplyala kadhi padatach nahit..lahan mulananach ase questions padatat..mala ajun athvato 1 mazya lahanpanich question.. kasa kaay athvato etaka spasht mahit nai...pan asach me ekada dada n barobar cycle chya pudhe lavalelya bucket madhe basun chalalo hoto..dada cycle chalavat hote ..4-5-6 yrs asel me me vadilanna vicharale "mula kashi hotat ?" ..father replied "lagna zale ki mule hotat"...tyavar maza parat question "mag mulanna kasa kalat ki 'mangalsutra' ghatalay aata apan 'Vhava' ?" ..Dada ekdum mast hasale ani gapp basale...'lagna means only mangalsutra ghalane aste' ha maza bram nantar kititari yrs ne pusala gela.. anek "Extra-currcular" activities madhun or out of syllabus books/education madhun mag mala "mula kashi hotat yache details kalale" ase aste..kahi goshti apoaap kalatat vel ali ki..tyaveli mala details sangun pan kalale naste so dada nuste hasale astil..kahi answers time ch det asto apoaap..kititari yrs zale me nehami devala la vicharatoy "Maza janmala yenyacha uddesh kaay ahe ?" kititari yrs zale hach same question..but no answer... kadachit to pan asach hasat asel dadan sarakha......

Object Oriented Living Language

****this is not a technical article ****
though it is not a technical article i assume u all know about OOPS concepts a bit.
like inheritance, dynamic linking, base-derived relation.
it doenst matter even if u dont know u can still read this.
so as u know.
CRSBase *base = new CRSDerived;
virtual CRSBase::Display()
{cout<< "In Base";}; CRSDerived::Display() {cout<< "In Derived";};
if u call
base->Display(); output will be "In Derived".......
...this u know..though if not, doesnt matter :)
dont u think we all are derived classes from one parent class CRSHuman (in general CRSAnything)
and all our function Cry(), Sleep(), Work() , Talk(), Love(), Shit() are defined and made virtual in that base class.
so when we born this base class versions we used to call, when caller (nature/god) calls
as we havnt defined our OWN VERSION of this Cry() we all cry more or less similar at the starting.
but as time passes our Artificial intellegent Brain OVERRIDES these functions..
and we start crying differently as time passes...sometimes we even stop ...Cry() {return;}; (:D)
for eg. say base class
wait(8 hours);
we make this simple Sleep() function more complecated we add Dream(), Worry(), Sex() in it ...and make it more complex more specific to our own..
so when at 10Pm " caller" calls Sleep() function of some population
for (int i;i<>LookUp(i,human);
our own specific Sleep() functions are called accordingly..
thats why we sleep differently..more...less...quite...worried...can't..
same is the case with Work()...
everyone has its own overrides ..some call MAN_LAVUN(), TP_KARAT(), BORE_HOT() functions in that Work() function..
u can check with any functions Love(), Shit(), Laugh(), Play()..
so it is as simple as this..

life is nthing but writing our own function !!!!!

so in genaral ....every one was void pointer, u have to type cast it to (name *)...n make it more specific..more unique..more useful..
so make your own function !!!!

(bekkar *)human

Friday, June 13, 2008


i must write why m i writing this much 'write' in one sentence huh ? i hope there will be as much write-ups in this blog too :) . why the hell m i writing actually ? dont know. Do i want to show the world that "Hey You, Look thats wat i think, thats how I really am" cuz thr is no one to listen what i want to speak, wat i feel, wat i think. Its too boring , stupid , waste of time for them. Thank god PCs dont have emotions otherwise they could deny posting my blog here...even processing my keyboard inputs.. too techy.. huh..? okey so question is "why the hell ......?" yes true i want to post my thoughts. thr should be some way to pile up those all,wahtever small, stupid they may be..just-write-it-down.. really im thinking for almost all the time..means i believe everybody does..but something other than what it seems going on in my stupid head.. literally while riding on bike ..some weired thoughts are poping. there are 97.8% chances of meeting an accident while im riding. just m riding physically. im somewhere else actully. most of the thoughts im getting are while riding.. even as i said as i get up thinking something else while clicking snooz button of this upset-minded-ness starts right from morning..till..till i get-up again :).. i even dont spare dreams !! i think while eating, while shitting, while pressing 'think' on keyboard, while shagging.... to be continued

RE : ...BLANK.....

Hey after 6-7 months nothing has changed. it is still BLANK.. :) .
Yes, i must tell what happend that day. I told my PM that I want to resign. It's not what i wanted, im not giving my 100%... blah blah blah... with almost 3 liters of water in my eyes...each
He agreed.. i have FACED IT.. left that company joined another small company.
What i liked at that moment is medical domain..
but alas ... nothing is constant....except changing companies...
then i had to hop one more time. 3 companies in 6 months
Joined Persistent. It's like Dream came true.. :)
Im in finance domain now. Seems like nothing has changed.
It is still BLANK...